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High-Risk Hurricane Zones in the U.S.

The Atlantic hurricane season has officially begun, spanning from June 1 to November 30. Considering climate change and other atmospheric conditions, it’s crucial for residents across the country to stay alert to weather advisories. However, when it comes to hurricanes, certain areas face a significantly higher threat.

According to Fox Weather Service, while all coastal states are vulnerable to hurricanes, historical data reveals specific points where storms hit with greater frequency and intensity.

Meteorologists explain that it’s not possible to predict exactly which areas will be most affected by a hurricane months or weeks in advance. Nevertheless, based on historical records, some warnings can be issued.

Researchers at the National Hurricane Center conducted an analysis to understand how often hurricanes strike specific locations along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. Their findings identified the most vulnerable areas in the United States as:

  • Southern Florida
  • North Carolina
  • Louisiana

However, the level of risk varies according to the data collected. For instance, in North Carolina, residents can expect a hurricane approximately every 5 to 7 years on average.

In southern Florida, the expected average is between 6 to 8 years. Specifically, predictions suggest a major hurricane will make landfall every 14 to 19 years.

What are the chances of a major hurricane hitting other areas of the United States?

While Florida, North Carolina, and Louisiana are at higher risk of a major hurricane, this doesn’t mean other states are safe. The report includes some additional averages:

For example, along the Texas coast, a hurricane is expected approximately every 15 to 20 years. Another highlighted case is New England. Although it has a very low frequency of hurricanes due to its cold waters and geography that helps limit storms, it’s not immune. In this case, an impact is expected every 30 to 50 years.

Ultimately, it’s vital for all coastal residents to take precautions and stay alert to official warnings in the event of a significant threat